

This picture is taken at Orchid Garden at Kuching,I dont really known it name actualy.
To get beautiful bokeh on the picture i use, a bigger aperture and spot metering.when i shoot, i try to focus on the subject matter,so the subject matter will became more clearer than the background and at the same time will created deep of field.  
This picture also is taken in the same place.But i try to experiment on the placement of the subject matter. instead of place the subject matter at the front and the center, i try to point on the subject matter which is at the middle,,,well the good explanation is
Using Depth of field to Guide the Viewer (Foreground Background Composition)...

                     Depth of field (DOF)

Depth of field (DOF) refers to how much of a photo is sharp in front and back of where you focus on the main subject.
This technic may help us to trigger the point of interest on our image.
There are two type of DOF, which is more more DOF or less DOF.
ok, more DOF is deep depth of field, this technic is common use to shot long distance subject matter
such as lanscap scene.Then what is shallow depht? also known as less depht.Less depth of field means that a subject is in focus but objects in front and behind it appear out of focus. Less DOF is often desired when taking portrait, close-up and macro shots.